“The motivation I had to start the children’s ministry I found in the Bible. There are two verses that mace me involve in their education and discipleship:
<< Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. >> Proverbs 22:6
<< But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. >> Luke 18:16.
Jesus loved children and to me He was and is the best model of how a teacher should be. Jesus model is the one I want to follow in my life. In the vicinity of our mission center live some poor Roma families. God put on my heart in 2008 to start meeting the children of these families on a regular basis because I wanted to show them love. I wanted to give value to these children, to encourage them, to help them develop (to know how to read and write) but most importantly to come to know God. In the meetings we have, we try to combine the activities we do.That’s why among the games we play and the songs we teach, among the lessons or the handwork, we teach them how to live according to biblical principles and values.”
Lidia P.

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Angarul de Jos Street, nr.28, Medias, Sibiu, Romania.
+40 752 020 139